Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wednesday, March 15, 2011

Wednesday, March 15, 2011

Again we woke to a beautiful morning – well – at least for 23 of our team members. Polly and Brandon were brutally victimized all night by the ick bug that has attacked. I am so thankful for the hotel we are in. We have been able to shift students into different rooms. We have been able to keep the sick children hydrated and separate, which has been a huge blessing. Susan graciously stayed behind and we felt safe leaving them while the rest of us loaded the bus for Abraham Project.

Courtney led our devotion – completing Philippians 1 she reminded us to keep in mind that Paul was imprisoned as he wrote this – Lauren, Erika, and Grace read the scripture – Paul said his relationship was so important – that good or bad – he wanted to exalt Christ - he was so in love and enamored and in connection with God – another point she made was that we are to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel – all actions and words should glorify Him – another challenge she issued was to model after his life in the fact that the most precious possession was his relationship with God and he was dedicated to living fully for God and ministering to those that may not believe – she examined other aspects of his life and truly challenged them to model after these

Today we were given the assignment of moving a mountain of dirt to 2 different locations – we had very rustic wheelbarrows, a couple of pick axes to loosen the dirt and clay, and shovels. We were filling in areas both on the playground and around a newly built road. Erika really enjoyed the pick ax – she tickled all of us the way she swung it and worked. Some of the team members decided to continue working of the nails. The team from UGA were sanding and finishing the wood. It was so neat to see the entire process of readying the facility. They certainly have a long way to go – but the buildings they have built are beautiful – and to know they are built from scraps is overwhelming!

We learned the stories behind several of the orphans. Many are horrible, abusive stories that we shutter to think exist. This place is truly a beacon of hope and light for the people in the area. The homes the children stay in are made of the same scrap wood and are so beautiful. Everything is taken care of and kept in perfect order.

During lunch our students sat with the UGA students – it was fun having them share about college. Victor sang again. He shared with us that he had been in a gang up until 6 years ago. He had been involved in alcohol and drugs and almost killed himself. He came to know the Lord – and has been living for him fully ever since. The countenance of joy on his face was just as radiant as yesterday. After lunch there was another soccer game - so much fun. Elizabeth and Polly decided to skip the game and have a little mountain climbing adventure - you will have to get them to tell you their crazy adventure.

Today, we had arts and craft time with the 7 – 12 year olds. It was fun and certainly under better control. Then we played soccer. Right before we departed, the seniors presented the crosses and Bibles to the children. It was very touching to see the bond they had developed in such a short time. The children were thrilled. They also went around to the daycare and other workers on site. The adults were overwhelmed with the gift of love! It was really hard to leave a place that has been so impactful in our lives.

After we left, they took us to a local market. The students bargained their way to many fine purchases. Then back to the hotel for clean-up. Brandon was better – he was ready for dinner. Polly decided she would see everyone in the morning. The group went to a local restaurant where the chickens were cooked on a pole over a big fire.

Everyone is exhausted! Today’s heat was much more intense and shoveling and hauling wheelbarrows will really take it out of you! Jimmy led our devotion after a fun game of chicken in the hen house. He read 1 Cor. 12:21 – 26 and discussed spiritual gifts and that some are more visible than others – but all are essential. Sometimes we feel behind the scene – all have their place – all are important. He then read the following:

1) if you think your gift is unimportant – repent for underestimating your worth

2) notice those among you that seem underappreciated – take matters in your own hand to discern problem – show you value their contribution to the fellowship – God will be pleased

We are a church and we need to encourage all members!

It was time to share the times the moments they felt the presence of the Lord in powerful ways. We then had a discussion similar to the previous night – individuals shared where they saw the hand of God. They are all seeing God’s provision – God at work – they are feeling his presence all around them! I love to see how personal this is for these seniors yet how connected they are to each other. They are so broken for those with nothing – especially those with no home. It is hard to be away from home – and yet – the thought of children that have no home to long for is just as difficult. God is pouring spiritual insight into these seniors. He is calling them to a higher level of faith – He is surrounding them with people like our guide Jimmy who has left a good job and is engaged in missions. On the brink of such a huge transition in their lives, God is calling them to a deeper relationship with Him and the need to minister and serve others. What a praise! Please keep praying for them. Many of you reading this are very close to these seniors. Get ready – the job of discipling them when they return involves you. They are going to need the encouragement, fellowship, and guidance, from you!

It was almost 11 when we finished. Most of the team called it a night – the rest played Catch Phrase. There is so much joy on their faces – I hope the photos give you a glimpse! Have a blessed day!

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