Monday, March 14, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

It is hard to find words to describe reaching this point in our journey. So many things have led us to the time to go on missions in Costa Rica. DCS Class of 2011 began their senior year seeking the Lord’s leading for their mission trip. As the Lord made His call clear to Costa Rica, He also led them to Joshua Expeditions. This organization has been such a blessing to work with. They booked our flights, made our lodging arrangements, organized our mission work, and planned our excursions.

So many generous individuals responded to the support letters and fund raising. This process is such a faith journey for each class and the Lord has taught this class to truly put their complete trust in Him. He has shown them that His grace is sufficient for them because His power is made perfect in our weakness!!! 2 Corinthians 12:9

Two weeks ago, the seniors went to Camp Rockfish in Maxton, NC for a team building retreat. Doug Newton led the morning devotion and presented the team with beautiful yarn crosses, which were made by Lauren Tyner’s great grandmother’s sewing group. They made over 300 maroon and gold crosses, praying for each individual recipient and gave the seniors one to wear and the rest to present to DCS. It was a very powerful moment. Mr. Newton had each student take a cross and put it over a classmate’s neck while saying, “Jesus Loves You!” It was great! They spent the remainder of the day performing many tasks that challenged them to work together to accomplish the assigned goal. The laughter and excitement truly was contagious! I was so proud of how all of the members engaged in the activities and they were all very conscientious to make sure that everyone was successful.

Last week, Pastor James Orr came to school and began teaching the students Spanish children’s songs. They learned Jesus Loves Me, I Praise Him, Father Abraham, If Your Happy & You Know it, etc. Then he taught them the sinner’s prayer. It has been a blessing to see them truly desire to connect with those they are going to serve. Many are already dreading leaving the children – and they have not even met them. They so long to express the love of Jesus to the children. The boys busily gathered sports equipment while the girls prepared for VBS craft time. It was so much fun.

Wednesday, a commissioning service was held in the chapel. 7th – 12th grades came as both the local and foreign teams were commissioned. Michael Sapp shared from Acts 4 where Peter and John went before the Sanhedrin and said in verse 20, “We cannot help speaking about what we have seen an heard.” Michael challenged the students to be Bold and Authentic! The seniors sang a few of their Spanish songs. Pastor Orr then led the entire student body to lay hands on the seniors as he prayed for their mission work. As the students left, the senior class put cross necklaces around everyone’s neck. Later, they held a similar ceremony with the K – 6th grade students.

Friday, Jim Atkins and Kay McGuirt came and blessed the students with words of encouragement on ministering to foreign countries. They described opportunities they had in leading others to Jesus. Their visit was a true blessing! So many people in the community have prayed and encouraged this team. We are in awe in what God has already done! He is an Awesome God. We are blessed to be going and serving our Lord – it is a humbling privilege! We cannot wait until Sunday!

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