Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Part 1

I am so excited to describe the “visible” events today. This will be part one. Part two will be a powerful description of the unseen – the way the power of the Spirit was at work in the individual lives of these seniors. Enjoy.

What a beautiful day! I must confess – this trip is different – we are staying at a nice hotel with a beautiful pool. The rooms are certainly not extravagant, but they are much nicer than the 2 previous trips. I was not aware of our lodging arrangements until about a month ago and immediately felt guilt that we were not staying in a remote, rustic area. However, this is the “home headquarters” for all groups that work with Joshua Expeditions and I trust their program. Of course I have worried what people would say – that this is not a “real” mission trip. All of these thoughts I now realize were just Satan’s tactics to make me worry and keep me from fully trusting God. Several of the team members had issues right before we left and I was not sure they would all come. Again, Satan was trying to distract. But Satan received a horrible defeat today and God has clearly expressed that our thoughts will never be His thoughts and our ways are certainly not His. This is the longest blog I have ever written, and the reason that at a very late hour I conceded that it would be a two part blog. But God is sovereign – He knows exactly when part two needs to be posted. This blog is one I hope you will find time to read every word. I have chills going up my arms and tears in my eyes as I type. I only pray the Spirit will give me the words to share with you. This has been the one of the most amazing days of my entire life. God has been present in a way that I know - from their own confessions - that our entire team has NEVER experienced before in their lives. Many of you are dedicated to praying for this team – let me tell you – God is responding! Please keep it up! We need prayer warriors standing in the gap – because God is at work in the hearts of these students like nothing I have ever witnessed!

Our team began the morning with a wonderful breakfast with fresh fruit, eggs, and French toast. We quickly gathered our supplies and headed for the Abraham project. It took about 45 minutes to get to the work site – so we had our team devotion as we traveled. Over and over I am encouraging these students that this trip is a divine appointment – and everyday their actions, reactions, effort, and attitude will largely impact how well they fulfill their individual and collective call. Our team is going to study the book of Philippians while we are away so Erika and Polly read the first 18 verses. From this – 2 charges were issued:

1) From verse 9 & 10 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, I really encouraged the students to seek knowledge, insight, and discernment for why they were called to Costa Rica. We talked about the inexpressible joy we have in Christ – and that we are to model Him with our lives – I charged them to seek Him – grown in wisdom and discernment and desire to live lives that bring Him honor – I am really praying for them to have spiritual discernment and that they will desire to engage in those things that are best for their lives – please add that to the list of requests -

2) Then from verse 18 - But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. I encouraged them that they were here to share Christ – and with that came an attitude of rejoicing! No matter what the weather, exhaustion, homesickness, details that go awry – that we are going to rejoice – we are going to display Christ-like attitudes – we are going to show through our work ethic and actions the love of Christ!

I then told the team to be prepared tonight to answer 3 questions that are similar to ones I have been challenged weekly to answer to a precious accountability group I am blessed to serve with at home. These are:

1) Where did I feel the power of God’s presence today?

2) When did I respond to His call to model Christ?

3) What opportunity did I miss to share His love among teammates or those God placed in my path?

Courtney closed the time praying that God would break our hearts today and open our eyes to what He had before us today.

We arrived at Abraham Project and were explained the history of the facility. It was given the name because it has been built totally on faith in the one true God we serve. Thirteen years ago, a preacher had a vision to build and orphanage and daycare in an area infiltrated with prostitution, gangs, and poverty. His church acquired 2 ½ acres and began praying for provision of materials to build. Public schools in this area only meet ½ day so there was a lot of time for the children to fall into trouble. They were slowly able to build a children’s home and meeting facility. Then in 2001, a glass company agreed to donate all the scrap wood. We would deem this scrap wood as total junk – boards filled with nails and many are very worn. However, what we may see as junk – they saw as provision and this opened the door for major building projects. A 2x4 in Costa Rica is $6 – 8.00. Volunteers – like us – come in and take these long, donated, scrap pieces and begin pulling rusted nails, and tacks from the boards. They sand the boards, spray them with a varnish, and take what we would deem as scrap and turn it into a beautifully stained piece of wood – from that, they have built 2 homes, a school, a Fellowship Hall that is used for church, and are currently building another large facility for meetings, etc. Every day volunteer lawyers, doctors, dentist, and counselors come and use part of the facility to help those in the area. The children’s homes are for abandoned children and they can hold 10 children each. These are set up like 2 homes with missionary house parents in each one. They structure the homes like a family and the children live there until adoptions are arranged. In addition, they have opened the school facility for daycare for those in the area. Families pay what they can afford. The church is a non-denominational church and the pastor is paid through another organization. He challenges all those that work there to trust God’s provision and they have all grown mightily because of the faith he displays.

At night, the buildings are used for vocational school with classes like computers and cosmetology. The facility is beautiful – and how they have used those scrap pieces of wood is something you need to see. Anyone that loves beautifully stained woodwork would be in awe! Exposed beams gave each building such beauty. Mountains are in the distance of the facility – it is unreal! This ministry is partnering with volunteer groups like DCS to put a roof over abandoned children’s heads. Children who have been abused, left at the hospital, deemed unwanted. Our team will provide about seven hours a day for two days times 25 people in work. The savings in manpower is such a blessing to them.

Abraham Project is meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the people in the community by sharing Christ and equipping them with skills to have successful jobs. They recently purchased 2/12 adjacent acres. The church had been praying for this land for 6 years – but it was owned by several children in one family. They finally decided to sell – but wanted $700,000. The preacher talked and prayed and talked and prayed and the family finally agreed on $300,00.00. However, they did not have even that. A couple came with their church to serve for one week. They were so moved by all the work this ministry is doing that they gave 325,000.00 for the land and a new van – money they had saved to build a home. PROVISION – YES! GOD AT WORK – YES! Robert told the students that although they may not leave 300,000.00 - each of them had something to give in response to what God wanted to do in their lives not only there but in their future. He said that often people in the United States are not challenged to seek God’s provision and direction. It was about them listening for His voice and being obedient. It was very powerful to listen to him tell several amazing times God had provided for the needs of the ministry. He continued to share that we need to seek Him. He said that God has called each of us to give toward His Kingdom and His purposes. God desires to use each! (Note the recurring theme from our devotion – God is so cool how He orchestrates messages to us if we are listening – trust me – the students were listening!)

We were then led to our work stations. Everyone wore gloves, got a hammer, screw driver, and other tools to assist in extracting the nails. No piece of metal could stay in these nail filled boards – each one had to be pounded or pulled out. It was much more involved than you would think. Just ask Karen – she spent hours on one board! And you should have seen our students – they worked so diligently! The task would seem senseless in the states – but here – seeing how they were transforming these worn out boards – we were inspired! Two other teams were on site. The University of Georgia and Auburn both had teams working alongside of us. What a witness! College students using their spring breaks for missions – I am sure you are beginning to see many spiritual truths that the Lord was pouring into our seniors. I can’t wait to type part two! The sun was tough but there was a breeze. We worked until noon and then broke for a devotion and special music. This was a moving moment a highlight that moved all of us. A gentleman shared words of encouragement and shared scripture on not being anxious. Again – a message over and over for our seniors! How cool to hear it in this setting. Then he sang “I will sing of His love forever.” Of course, he sang in Spanish – we know the tune so we could follow the words. The Spirit filled that meeting hall. Never, ever in any of our lives have we seen someone sing with such inexplicable joy! I am talking about the kind of joy that spilled over in the room – the kind that was so full within him that it had to burst forth – the contagious kind – the kind that We Want! Then, the project made us ham, rice, beans and a salad for lunch.

After lunch, all three teams, DCS, Georgia, and Auburn played a pick-up game of soccer. It was intense! Our students and the college students had such a great time playing – and the crowd was very energetic. It was fun to watch everyone interact so well! Jonathan, Brandon, Andrew, Erin, Courtney, Chelsea, Amber, played with all their hearts. Chelsea W was the goalie – and you should have seen her – nothing got past her! Time to go back to work! The boys stayed and played soccer with the 7 – 12 year old boys and the girls blew bubbles and played with a parachute and balls. Some team members went back to pulling nails. It was great watching our students fully engage in this ministry – they gave it their all!

Then VBS time. Today they gave us the 3 year olds – talk about chaos – there was very little interpreting and the kids were wild. It was a mixture of humor and frustration – we had planned so long for this time – we usually have older students. But the kids had a ball – they just loved the way the team loved them! What a lesson – that we can plan and plan and plan – but in the end we must serve in the way God orchestrates. Our team did it well! I am intentionally leaving off what today meant to us – the real story is in part two of this blog in the team member’s own words.

It was 4 o’clock – time to leave. Amber sat in the front seat going home and led songs over the microphone. She was entertaining. The bus driver turned on the radio to get them to stop – it was hilarious! We all took showers and headed off to dinner. Unfortunately, the stomach virus claimed 2 more victims. Please pray for Brandon and Polly – and that we will not continue to share this ugly illness! In addition, please pray for protection over the other team members!

Dinner was great – another local dinner and local rice and beans, chicken, fish or a burger. Drew said the blessing – yes – for the first time since 2nd grade – he prayed aloud – the team loved it – and he loved it. It was wonderful! The girls got more than got the silly giggles – they were doing impersonations and laughing hysterically – it was so much fun to watch. Unity growing!

On the way home – they practiced all of their Praise Concert songs – Mrs. McCormick would be proud! There is so much more – so, so much more! I do not know when part two will be posted – but certainly by tonight. Please continue to pray, pray, pray! Pray for our work, pray for this ugly virus, pray for our witness, pray for God to continue to work in the lives of the students. We love ya’ll and are so thankful for this opportunity. Keep praying!

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited to see how God is working in your lives! Please know that you are in our prayers...looking forward to seeing the many wonderful ways you experience God this week! Much love to all,
    Shelley & Sheldon :)
