Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday, March 13

3:00 p.m. – The cars began pouring into the DCS parking lot! What excitement – there were MULTIPLE passport and luggage checks. We set the school alarm off – TWICE – yes the cops came. Finally, all the cars were packed and we went to the chapel for a time of prayer with family, staff, and loved ones. Mr. Davis led the team in prayer. Final hugs – and off to Charlotte.

The trip was perfect until we arrived in Charlotte – and then the comedy of errors began. First – we arrived at the wrong Wingate Inn – no problem – Drew punched the correct address in the GPS – We arrive, however the manager had failed to line up our shuttle, register us for leaving our cars, and did not order our bag breakfast. Still –ok – let’s go eat. First we went to Shulamar’s – there was a really long line and an interesting smell. Chili’s was the next choice and again we turned to Drew’s GPS – but this time it did not work so well – it took us to the airport Chili’sJ Well – at least we know the way – so we voted on Cracker Barrel – and it was wonderful. We had a brief team meeting and Katelyn, Morgan, and Frannie led the team in a devotion on “fear not”. Fear of flying and leaving home has been such an issue with many in this group – the devotion was very encouraging – “So do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God.” Isaiah 41:10

Time for bed – well – maybe not – the nerves took over and Andrew, Andrew, Rob, Jonathan, Brandon, and Drew decided to play cards most of the night. Frannie, Morgan, Amber, Erika, and Courtney went to the pool, Chelsea W could not sleep, and before you knew it – Elizabeth’s 2:30 alarm clock was buzzing – time for showers.

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