Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tuesday - Part Two

Part Two

To say that God has definitely been at work today would be a horrible understatement. Today, unknown to the other team members, He spoke deeply and personally to each team member. I am talking about the kind of movement of the Holy Spirit that unlocked the floodgates of tears for many of our members and stirred the hearts of all. The kind that demanded major hugs and love at the end of a team session I pray I never, ever forget!!!! I am so sorry that Dr. Brown and all those that have sacrificially given financially and physically for the school, prayed, and had faith that God called them to undergird DCS were not in the room to feel the power of the presence of God and to hear from our team how God exploded in their lives today. Please know our gratitude is sincere – we are humbled to be members of this team and filled with a fresh, indescribable joy that we never want to lose.

Jimmy opened the session reading 1 Corinthians 9:19-22 and encouraged the students to be relevant, to be identify with those we are serving.

Once he finished – I opened the floor for team members to answer any of the 3 challenge questions issued this morning:

1) Where did I feel the power of God’s presence today?

2) When did I respond to His call to model Christ?

3) What opportunity did I miss to share His love among teammates or those God placed in my path?

What ensued far surpassed my wildest imagination and left many of us speechless! I want to share with you some of the team’s discussion. I typed as they spoke – Katelyn W began the discussion and it did not stop – I have it in the order it happened – one comment after another – testifying to the power of God’s presence and the call they feel.

Katelyn – I saw the power of God’s presence working on pulling the nails from the wood and experiencing all of us working together to make a contribution to the building project

Erin – As we worked with those messed up rugged pieces of wood – I thought that it symbolized how God takes us – we are nothing, messed up and yet He makes us beautiful

Erika – I have experienced God in a powerful way as I have looked at nature – people look out of place here – there is such beauty in God’s creation – the US is not as natural – so much of our landscaped has been groomed by man – it is so much more exotic and you can really experience nature as He created it – I am in awe of the beauty

Elizabeth – right after you asked for us to be intuned to the place we felt the power of God’s presence in the most powerful way – we saw the highest mountain in this area – although it was a great distance away – you could see a cross on top – it really took me by surprise and I did feel God’s presence – Also – it was neat to see all the students from different schools and states working together for God – And, Jonathan has been great all day long – he worked so hard with wood, played soccer, and with the kids – he did great!

Chynna – I felt the presence of God most when the guy was singing – even though we have barriers in language – the music to united all of us as we all just praised God together

Lauren – I felt the power of God’s presence most during the singing also – the joy from heart was on His face

Susan – I hit thumb hard with a hammer and said praise the Lord! It was so wonderful to watch everyone working today - everyone did not have to do same thing – they were able to work on the task that they excelled – that is way Designer designed it – we have different people to reach – ages – groups – we need to be intuned to what God is saying –

Pansy –I loved the topsy turvy nature of arts and crafts – I know many had planned to hold a more organized VBS time – but as I looked in from the window – I saw intense joy on children’s face – you felt chaos – but they looked at each of you – they felt love – there was a little boy running around with Elizabeth’s glasses – Amber was consoling baby then Katelyn took over– in the midst of chaos you did God’s will – you made just today a little brighter for those sweet children

Katelyn – The time playing with the parachute and soccer was really fun

Maggie – As I looked at how the wood was being transformed I thought about how God shapes and molds us – just like that old wood can be made into what they need to build the buildings – He can make us what he desires – Spending that much time with the nails made me think about the nails on cross –

Courtney – no one wants to admit they missed an opportunity today – but as I was thinking about the 3 questions when I was working I thought that the minute you give 99% of 100 you missed 1% of an opportunity – we know all God has done for us and we should desire to give 115% – but every single day that we apply 99% or 80% or 50% we have missed that opportunity – our call is to be here 100% –

Frannie – I really liked working with the nails – There were many times I felt like giving up but I knew God would give you strength and He did

Andrew C – I have been amazed at God’s provision – like Elizabeth’s passport left on a table in the airport – we went back and it was there– We did not think that 3 guys could sleep in a double bed in Charlotte –but it all worked out – we went to the wrong hotel – it all worked out – there was no shuttle lined up – it all worked out – all is working out – I also want to encourage Jonathan he worked so hard and never got angry – and we played an intense soccer game – and he just went with the flow – it was really neat to watch!

Rob – I have never seen everyone work so hard – no one complained – everyone was calm – at school all we ever do is complain non stop – and we have it so good there – but here – it was hot, we worked hard – and no one complained – that really got to me

Jimmy – God knows how to weave people together to accomplish His will – you may not see it – if you want to see a sunrise – you have to wait – everyone was working hard – 3 groups that do not know each other working together accomplishing a common goal – it is very special

Karen –I worked on the same board almost all day – I know God wanted me to stick with this board all day and I finished it right before we stopped – I was overwhelmed with way all the students encouraged each other

Drew – I felt God’s presence when I prayed aloud for the first time since 2nd grade – it was a real break through in my prayer life –

Andrew Fitz–we are all finding confidence – I really hope we can bring the teamwork and confidence back to the states – we don’t have much time left at DCS – I hope we will all make the sacrifice to take a stand – it is really hard for one to stand alone – but as a group we can work together

Erin - For me it was the way we all worked together – I really hope we can take this feeling back and share God’s love with people at school and at home– everyone was willing to help no matter what

Grace – we have really develop a sense of teamwork – at home we fight – here – we pushed all that aside – we have developed unity – you can sense it – it is cool to see it all working out – the key is taking it back – for us not to forget how we feel today -

Morgan – we don’t all get along at home – and yet today we were all singing and having fun together – it has been so great

Courtney – this environment is so different from home– there we are all about instant gratification and complacency – we expect so much – yet you come here – see the poverty – we take all that we have for granted – but He has given all of us so much and we should be giving back in response to all that He has given us – Today I really questioned why do I live in states and this child is an orphan here –why did you place me where I am

Andrew F– here we see people with nothing yet they give 100 times more for Christ

Courtney – I walked into the team room and saw all of the bags with backpacks – I thought – there is more in this room than in a 5 mile span – there are Northface backpacks, personal items, money etc – yet we are never happy with what we have – we always want more – yet how eye opening it is – yet you can see joy they have – deep joy –

Pansy – For me it was the man singing – I just sat there praising God for bringing me here – the glory of God was all over him – He was so full of the Spirit – this man may have nothing – but he has my joy!!!! That is what God wants to see come out of us – He wants us to spread His love to everyone! How can you look at that and not want it

Andrew F– our problem is that we don’t display it like that

Courtney – we should live high on Jesus – our lives should be so full of Him we physically do not have enough room – and it spills out on everyone – we are called to that every day – and yet who ever sees that overflowing from us

Jimmy – thing is that we follow man’s thinking more than God’s thinking – we think we have to wear name brands or act certain ways to be accepted - God’s thinking is everlasting –

Jonathan – I watched our team and the other 2 teams work all day under control and decided to model what I saw in others- I chose not to quit and not to get mad– I saw others set examples – I have to do the same

Grace – I often wonder why can’t be as happy as the guy that sang – then I realize I can - I have the same Spirit living in me – why are we so often ashamed to display the greatest thing in life which is God?

Andrew F – I came here and have seen in one day what my Christian life should look like

Amber – seeing all the college students on their spring break – by their choice was really something– they came to work for God – it really impressed me – it would not have before this but now it is so cool to see what they are choosing to do with their break and their time

Morgan – would we have given our spring break for this? We probably chosen the beach, which is only one hour away over this? That is so sad – look at we would have missed

Morgan – we complain so much– we want to do the least amount all the time

Lauren – I came here and have seen what living for Christ is really all about – it has caused a total change in my heart –

Pansy – our group worked so well today – each person found their place - Elizabeth at one point said I am too weak to pull this nail out and Lauren told her she could do it – Elizabeth pulled so hard her feet went off the ground – but she got it – teamwork and encouragement–

Courtney – we saw today the body of Christ – 1 Cor 12:12 - when all the body of Christ – works as should – orphans get a home – communities get ministered to – needs are met with the love of Christ

Chelsea W – I got sunscreen in my eye and feel like I missed working time trying to get my eyes rinsed

Immediately the entire team started encouraging Chelsea about how hard she had worked and how great she was as goalie – they are all so unified!

Maggie – we had lots of fears before we came – our fears were so big – I prayed so much – God has taken care of all our needs and fears – I am so glad to see all that I have

Rob – Right now we are being told go to school – get a good job – but I was impressed with the girl that has chosen to leave all of that and take a 7 month internship – It said a lot to see a girl coming to serve like that

Lauren – I have been on many trips – I have never felt such closeness – never felt such unity in a team –

Andrews C agreed – it is so good to lean on each other – and I am really proud of Jonathan and everyone for how hard they are working and how much fun we are having together

Jonathan – I cannot wait to work tomorrow

God so desires to do exceedingly more than we think or ask. He has certainly proven that already. There was a lot of discussion on how they intend to live out the final nine weeks as seniors. I am excited. There are many more testimonies that took place – they are very personal so I will let them come home and share them on their own. God is at work – you better believe it. Hugs and tears flowed – fellowship so precious among brothers and sisters of Christ. Words fail. But what I can tell you is that the Spirit was raining down on that room – and every member there experienced the power of His amazing presence.

After we had time in prayer everyone dispersed for a game of catch phrase except one team member. We prayed together, wept together, and shared our hearts. Afterwards, I went by the pool and fell on my knees weeping in prayer. I was praising God over and over humbled that He would allow me the precious privilege of being here when I heard Him speak to my heart in a very real way – Revival – Revival – Revival! It is 24 hours later when I am typing – again I am crying and covered in chill bumps. Oh yes – our God is real – oh yes He works in powerful ways – and oh yes – these seniors are seeing His glory all around them and they are being changed! Alabare’ a mi Senor – I praise my Lord! Keep on praying!


  1. WOW!!! The presence of the Lord was not only with you all in Costa Rica but also evident in the article and I could feel Him while I was reading about your awesome experience! Know that you are part of something literally 'out of this world'! So happy for you all and so ready to see the impact He will use you to make at home. Be on guard...put on your spiritual armor and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime! Give my love to everyone and know that lots of people in Dillon are praying for you and rejoicing with you! God Bless! :)

  2. Amazing! I am so proud of this group. Please understand that the work you are doing there also has a positive effect on the people at home. From your experiences, many people are growing closer to the Lord. Please allow Him to continue to work through you and use you for His work. I believe this class may have just found their legacy and the revial they were looking for.

  3. I've been sharing the blog with three of my classes, and each time I read it or let them take turns reading what each person said, I just break down with tears of joy. Only God could work in hearts the way that He has!! Praying that this mountain-top experience will make a difference as each of you walks through the valley of everyday living back in Dillon! Love you and miss you!!(especially Grace!!)
